Can you make Companionway Doors for all boats?
We can make doors for almost all boats. We have made doors for more than 100 different models of boats, ranging from a Beneteau 50 to a Macgregor 26x, and dated from 1969 to 2008.
What is the ordering procedure, and how long does it take for delivery?
Delivery can take up to 6 weeks. Add a 10% rush charge to the order, if you want it shipped in 7 days. To order you must submit the Order Form including your method of payment, and the measurements and items listed on the Measuring Instruction sheet. We will process your payment when we start working on your doors. The doors are generally shipped in 7-10 days after the work has started.
What materials are the Companionway Doors made from?
The doors are manufactured using Starboard Plastic. This marine polymer is totally impervious to the weather. We've manufactured SternPerch® seats from this material for the last 10 years, and they have been installed on over 4,000 boats. It has performed admirably.
Will the Doors bend or warp?
They will not, thanks to the marine plastic we use, and because we insert a stainless steel girder between the panels. We then laminate the two panels together, with space age glue from 3M, resulting in ¾ inch thick doors with the rigidity needed.
Will the screens rust?
No. The screening material is fiberglass so it will never rust. Screens are available in regular or no-see-um.
Will rain enter the boat via the insertable panels?
Rain does not enter the boat because moisture is drained outward via weep holes located in the lower portion of each insert pocket.
Do you recommend using Companionway Doors, while sailing off-shore?
Although the new doors are very strong and durable, we recommend using your original boards for off-shore sailing. The ability to insert the original hatch boards is an important feature. Enjoy the features of your new doors while costal cruising.
Do all doors cost the same regardless of size?
Yes, the price is the same.
What colors can we order the doors in?
We make the doors in white or (Island Packet) ivory/beige. The technical King Starboard color description is "White/White", and "Sanshade".


Can the Companionway Doors be ordered without the inserts (plain)?
No, at this time they are available with inserts only.
Are locks built into the doors?
As an option, a built in combination 3 digit cam-lock is available, as well as a key lock.
Are all 3 panels included in the price of the doors?
Only the tinted Plexiglas insert is included. The screens and translucent privacy panels are a $39.00 option / pair.